Edgemont Municipal Airport Emergency Flight Service

Edgemont Municipal Airport Details

Location: Edgemont, South Dakota

Type: Small Airport

Scheduled Service: No

Local Code: 6V0

GPS Code: K6V0

Elevation: 3605 Feet

Latitude: 43.2952

Longitude: -103.844

Runways at Edgemont Municipal Airport

Edgemont Municipal Airport has 2 runways.

1 2015 Feet100 FeetGRSNo
2 3900 Feet60 FeetASPYes

Radio Frequencies

Edgemont Municipal Airport utilizes the following radio frequencies.

1 CTAFCTAF122.900

Why You Should Choose Private Jet Charters to Edgemont

Today's traffic grid has slowed down traffic considerably. Traffic congestion has made it more difficult to reach injured people in emergency situations. Normal ground ambulance services have been slowed down putting the patient's life into an increased risk category. Medical air transport Edgemont provides another selection. The well trained and experienced flight and medical personnel can fly to the destination and transport the patient to the hospital in a fraction of the time regular ambulances can. Air ambulances include helijets and fixed wing aircraft that are able to stabilize a patient's emergency situation long enough to get them to a hospital wheren the emergency room personnel are ready to take over. Medical data collected on the patient's vital signs en route is sent to the hospital ahead of time.

Due to the increasing medical cases, the demand for medical air transportation systems has grown in leaps and bounds. There are quite a number of companies that have invested in providing air ambulance services. The cost will differ from one organization to another and hence some research should be carried out in a bid to get the best deal. Using the internet, it is simple to get detailed information of air ambulance service Edgemont companies. There are certain situations where the use of the medevac service is inevitable since the patient may be in a terrible situation that warrants quick medical attention. Therefore, take time to research in order to get the best deal on the air ambulance services.With the services , there is high chances of saving the patient's life.

Why You Should Choose Private Jet Charters to Edgemont

The air ambulance service is very much like the usual ambulance van that you might have seen on the road or at hospitals. The difference between these two medical services is that one needs to fly while the other will have to be driven on the streets. Another term which is normally used to describe such a service is Medevac. This air ambulance service is equipped and loaded with all the important tools or machines which is normally required for a patient and get them transferred to regular hospitals situated in areas such as air ambulance services Edgemont. Such emergency flight services also have all what is necessary for life support. Such air services have ECG, CPR equipment, ventilators, medications and every other single medical supply you can think of. The air ambulance service goes to the nearest and most convenient hospital with the best doctors in the vicinity.