Air ambulance service Comus: efficient medical transportation
Many more medical emergency programs have been instigated where air ambulance services Comus have become an integral part of the community medical emergency services. Professional airborne medical services have been developed for cardiac patients who would have a reduced chance of surviving if their arrival at the hospital were delayed due to heavy land traffic. Often land travel can take a half hour to ninety minutes longer than if they were flown by medevac services. Each second is a question of life or death for the cardiac patient. Valuable time can be saved using a helicopter rather than a road ambulance. The medical personnel is highly trained to provide first rate medical services and the flight personnel is experienced in flying under many weather conditions.
Flying the private skies can be for everyone not just the common misnomer that only the wealthy or social elite can afford and fly on private jet charters. They are always eager to take on new business regardless of where it comes from within the socioeconomic strata. Flying back to their home airport without passengers or cargo is called "deadheading". Most private jet charter companies flying out of Flying M Farms Airport willingly accept passengers flying their way to prevent deadheading. This helps both parties in that the person gets home in style and the company makes a small profit in the meantime. Private aircraft charters are the one most commonly overlooked flying opportunity when the standard commercial airlines are booked solid to the wings especially in times of emergency or holiday seasons. Give the a call and fly the friendly private skies.
Studies have proven that the number of health related air collisions have risen in the recent past. This tendency is quite unsettling with the trend commencing in the early 90's and the figures doubling by the year 2005. A safety report that was released indicated that a total of fifty percent of the medical emergency death of the staffs took place in the air ambulances. This warranted the government to come up with strategies to counteract this. The air ambulance services Comus are now equipped with excellent emergency room equipment and competent staffs have been hired to deal with all kinds of medical related emergencies. It is worth noting that the air ambulance services have played a contributory role in saving lives that would have otherwise been lost. They provide excellent medevac services that ensures that the patients receive urgent medical attention.