Kassel-Calden Airport Emergency Flight Service

Kassel-Calden Airport Details

Location: Kassel, Hesse

Type: Medium Airport

Scheduled Service: No



Elevation: 909 Feet

Latitude: 51.4083

Longitude: 9.3775

Runways at Kassel-Calden Airport

Kassel-Calden Airport has 2 runways.

1 2297 Feet98 FeetGRSNo
2 4921 Feet98 FeetASPYes

Radio Frequencies

Kassel-Calden Airport utilizes the following radio frequencies.

3 TWRTWR118.100

Why You Should Fly Charter to Kassel

Looking to hire a private jet? Well start here for all your informational needs! Charter a private jet today for that special "getaway" you and your loved one have needed for so long! Maybe you and the family need to travel but don't want to waste time flying commercial, book today! You can charter a private jet for an affordable price and have an intimate experience at the same time. No need to wait in line to check your bags and spend hours mingling through security lines. $19,900 place fits 8-10 people comfortably on a mid-size jet, flying non-stop. There are different packages to choose from and of course you can personalize your own trip to meet your travel demands. It's easy to do as you can book right online just as you would through a commercial flight.

When it comes to reliability and promptness, the private jet rentals are unbeatable. This mode of travel is suitable for those who want to get a certain destination in a hurry. Emergencies often call for quick action and hence private charters would come in handy. There are quite a good number of companies that offer private jet rentals to Kassel. In a bid to get the best deal, you can carry out some research and make comparisons on the rates. This can easily be achieved by using the internet right from the comfort of your home. Most of the private jet rental companies have got websites that provide detailed information of the services that they offer. You are free to also contact these companies through the use of the telephone.

Why You Should Fly Charter to Kassel

Air ambulances provide an invaluable service to people who have only minute to live. They need emergency medical services as soon as possible. The speed in which medical help reaches them is critical. Medical air transport Kassel is equipped with state of the art medical equipment. Their flight and medical staff is well trained and experienced to handle round the clock emergency calls. Cardiac patients, accident victims and children with chronic medical diseases are quickly taken long distances to specialized medical facilities focused on their particular health needs. Saving time means saving lives. There is no gridlock at the altitudes the air ambulance flies. Unlike on land where gridlock can triple the time it takes a land ambulance to reach their destination. The air ambulance is a welcome addition to the health services that communities provide.

Most travelers believe that the commercial flights are quite comfortable. There are justified to do so, since they may have not experienced the luxury and comfort that comes along with hiring the private jets. There are certain situations when one seeks total comfort while traveling and this makes the private jets a great option to go by. Couples who are heading for their honeymoon can also use the private jet rentals to arrive to the destination in style. Celebrities have also often used the private jets to Kassel and other destinations. This travel option works well with celebrities and famous people who are out to provide a strong statement. It does not hurt to mix some pleasure with business. Political aspirants have often used private jet rentals in their campaign endeavors.